Increasing the operational and strategic exchange of data and coordinating joint actions with international organizations and local bodies in the field of interinstitutional and international cooperation in fighting financial crime is needed. Developing intelligence-led policing (ILP) in the agencies for better strategic leading the cases, as well as increasing the capacities for trainings of the personnel, introducing specialized teams and technical strengthening of the information systems, but also implementation of advanced digital systems for better exchange of data among institutions.
These are part of the draft-recommendations of todays 15th session of the Working group 4 “Justice, Freedom and Security (Chapter 24) on topic: „Challenges in the fight against financial crime in the Republic of North Macedonia: The importance of efficient financial investigations“.
Among other recommendations it was also recommended that the cooperation with EU agencies should continue but also adopting EMPACT platform for improved fight with financial crime, as well as introducing system for priorities and obligatory investigations for cases with high risk, and also preparation of long-term strategy for the period 2024-2026 and an annual plan for continued implementation of the activities and training as well as additional resources of the institutions so that the institutions can successfully deal with financial investigations and strengthening of the instracture and resources.
Mileva Gurovska, president of European movement in the Republic of North Macedonia and national coordinator of NCEU-MK in her introduction emphasized that Chapter 24 is vital because it is basis for functional institutions that protect the public interests and the foundations of state sovereignty.
„Every progress in this area leads to improving personal and collective security and to creation of healthy social relations that lead to public good. Additionally, it strengthens the image of our country before the European and international community. The Europan commission’s reports and of the other international organizations warn us of high level of corruption, that spends about one third of public resources and endangers the trust in institutions. The need for faster court and investigative actions is emphasized, especially in financial deceits. With digital technologies and open financial markets, the possibilities for financial manipulations significantly grow, therefore institutions must build stronger capacities-with better equipment, trained staff and updated regulative for preventing money laundering and tax frauds.
Coordinated system among all authorized institutions is necessary, as well as strengthened cooperation with international partners and agencies for dealing with financial crime, which is often transnational“, Gurovska pointed out in her speech.
Sasho PETRUSHEVSKI, state secretary in the Ministry of interior, stated that this forum serves as a platform for open and transparent dialogue for all key questions connected to our accession negotiations with EU, and that enables citizens and experts in these areas to give their opinion and by that influence the reform processes.
„Together we can participate in reforms and make those reforms real not only for the international community and international factors, but we can create democratic society for all citizens of Republic of North Macedonia. Following the directions of the European commission for strengthening of the capacities against organized crime and corruption it is necessary for us to have proactive and efficient continued approach by all state institutions in the process. Not only fighting organized crime and corruption, but fight against criminal profits from criminal structures in the Republic of North Macedonia and wider because with confiscation of their asset and leading financial investigations with seizure of the asset we will give them to knowledge that we will disable further spreading of the criminal structures“, Petrushevski emphasized in his speech. Petrushevski explained that new National strategy for financial investigations and seizure of asset 2024-2028 is in government procedure, which is based on adjustment of the legal procedures of Republic of North Macedonia with the European regulative.
Аleksandar JANEV, the director of the Public security bureau in his speech talked about interinstitutional cooperation for which he said to be necessary and he also presented the tools for digitalization that they undertake.
„One of the tools that we deal with is introducing of digitalization. We have two segments-we introduce the document management system and case management system. Together with the financial police we are on the same platform and the intention is for the Customs to be connected to this platform as well, and preconditions are made for the prosecutor to use this tool in the future as well as the Judiciary“, Janev said, expressing that he is convinced that with this tool there will no more be cases left in draws.
Martin SIROVATKA from the National agency for organized crime in the Ministry of interior of Czech Republic said that according to Europol estimations, at least 140 billion euro are made through organized crime on annual level.
Explaining the Czech example, Sirovatka pointed out that as an institution they can investigate crime in the past 15 years even with third people involved. Financial investigations as he mentioned are being implemented in three phases: detecting, following of the criminally earned assets and seizure of this asset.
According to Sirovatka, police officers in the Czech republic can issue orders for seizure of the criminally earned asset in case of emergency. He said that international cooperation is key in the cases with organized crime and corruption.
As Sirovatka explained, the Agency for property restitution was established in 2007, while in 2018 they have begun using the Registry of the Central bank, and by the end of November 2024 he announced that they will include the EU Directive for restitution and seizure of property in their regulative, which gives huge authorization to the Agency for property restitution.
Slobodan IVANOVSKI, the director of the Financial policed stated:
„Cosidering the importance of Chapter 24 for our eurointegration path for full EU membership it is of crucial importance for us to improve our capacities for financial investigations. Team work is necessary, as well as continued cooperation and clear vision.
The financial investigation should be undertaken parallel to criminalistics investigation. In the following period we will be directed towards efficient implementation of the Strategy for financial investigations and confiscation of asset.
Trpe STOJANOVSKI, NCEU-MK expert and professor at the Faculty for security at the University „St. Kliment Ohridski“-Bitola believes that there is progress in the part for strengthening of the institutions that have authorization in fighting financial crime,but also that there are “gray zones”.
„Interinstitutional cooperation in the country and cooperation with the countries in the region and Europe continues to be serious problem. The problem with the financial crime is that it is hidden. Money are being withdrawn but there is no public recognition and when this criminal is being done it is not reflected with other forms of crime “, Stojanovski said.
Emilija MIZO-DIMKOV, prosecutor in the Public Prosecution office in Skopje, said that there should be clear difference between crime investigation and financial investigation.
„The purpose of the crime investigations for crimes in the area of financial crime is to find the criminals, but purpose in financial investigations is to return the asset which refers to undertaking measures and activities and freezing the asset no matter of the crimes so that it can be permanently sezied “, Mizo-Dimkov said, explaining that more work is needed for strengthening of the capacities.
Edvard ANDERSON, the chief of public safety and contact with community within OSCE explained that OSCE mission is to help through connecting the institutions with experts, as well as use of this expertise.
„OSCE mission will be tailored according to citizens’ needs“, Anderson pointed out at the session.
The speakers at today’s session agreed that strengthening of the institutions is needed as well as interinstitutional cooperation which will influence in increasing the efficiency in financial investigations and fighting organized crime and corruption.